Page 20 - OCEAN BLUE - WINTER 2016
P. 20


The New Fortune Global 500
      What the Rise of China Means to Los Cabos and the World

                              T  he news is out: China                   developing countries like Mexico can
                                 occupies three out of                   become economic influencers, while at
                                 the top five spots on the               the same time lifting millions of people
                                 2016 Fortune Global                     out of extreme poverty and disease.
                              500, an annual ranking of the world’s      According to a report from the Bill
                              largest corporations as measured           and Melinda Gates Foundation, China
                              by revenue. With 100 of the world’s        is responsible for 76% of the world’s
                              biggest companies now headquartered        poverty reduction since 1990. That
                              in China, only the United States has       translates into an astonishing 149
                              more companies on the list. The most       million Chinese who no longer live
                              populous country on the planet has         in extreme poverty. China also set the
                              doubled its economy since 2009, and        world record for the fastest decline in
                              is poised to overtake the U.S. and         maternal and infant mortality rates,
                              become the single largest economy in       surpassing the United States in 2013.
                              the world within the next decade.

                              One thing is absolutely clear: the         While it’s true that China’s economic
                              world’s business landscape is shifting.    slowdown has caused negative impacts
                              The fact that China is now Mexico’s        being felt around the world, there
                              second largest trading partner can         are also positive impacts of China’s
                              strike a wide range of emotions,           transition away from an export driven
                              depending on a person’s worldview. As      economy to a more balanced economy
                              human beings, it’s only natural to resist  where growth is driven by domestic
                              change and fear the unknown. But as        demand.
                              economists and entrepreneurs, we see       From Rival to Role Model
                              change as the mother of opportunity.       Historically, both Mexico and China
                              This shift in the world’s business         have depended heavily on cheap labor,
                              landscape holds great promise for          low currency value and a high export
                              Mexico.                                    rate to the U.S. While China’s success
                              More than “Just Money”                     came at the expense of Mexican jobs,
                              China’s achievements are impressive        it has prepared Mexico for its own
                              by any measure, but for those of us        transition away from a commodities
                              deeply invested in Los Cabos, China’s      and capital good producer to a services
                              growth trajectory is more than a source    and domestic consumption model.
                              of inspiration. It’s a road map for how

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